perm filename CJSNOS.ORD[USE,CSR]6 blob
sn#382905 filedate 1978-09-21 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002 Invoices CJS-0001 thru CJS-0025
C00009 00003 Invoices CJS-0026 thru CJS-0050
C00016 00004 Invoices CJS-0051 thru CJS-0075
C00023 00005 Invoices CJS-0076 thru CJS-0100
C00030 00006 Invoices CJS-0101 thru CJS-0125
C00042 00007 Invoices CJS-0126 thru CJS-0150
C00049 00008 Invoices CJS-0151 thru CJS-0175
C00050 00009
C00057 ENDMK
Invoices CJS-0001 thru CJS-0025
CJS-0001 LOX-50018 E.I.DuPont de Nemours & Co, Inc $3.20 yes
2-15-77 Attn: Lavoisier Library
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19898
CJS-0002 none Acquisitions Dept. $2.55 yes
2-15-77 Univ. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill
Wilson Library 024 A
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
CJS-0003 19.968/ Librairie Generale G. Labadie $5.15 yes
2-28-77 20.037 Computer Science Dept.
22, rue de Metz et 33
rue de Marchands
3100 Toulouse, France
CJS-0004 3910 Hunter College of the City Univ. $2.85 yes
2-28-77 of New York
Sciences & Mathematics Dean Rm. 313
New York, NY 10021
CJS-0005 CK- H. Phillips/Dr. Wang $2.45 yes
2-28-77 101587-C Room#112B, Bldg. #47
Electrical Engr. Dept.
Durham, NC 27710
CJS-0006 AT/kl Kristin Lie $2.85 yes
3-4-77 Librarian Assistant
Central Institute for Industrial
Forskningsvn, 1
Blindern-Oslo 3, Norway
CJS-0007 242441 Library N/C N/A
3-4-77 Attn: Acquisitions Librarian
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2331 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53201
CJS-0008 1.969/77/wm Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar $5.65 yes
3-4-77 1.965/77/wm Konyvtarkozi Kolcsonzes
1.968/77/wm National Szechenyi Library
International Loans
H-1827 Budapest
CJS-0009 A 8595 b Vereinigte N/C N/A
3-4-77 Universitats-und Fahbuchhandlung
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1/P.O.B.270209
5 Koln 1, Germany
CJS-0010 P.O. # E. Jackson (R. Smith) $206.00 yes
3-11-77 594220 Dept. of Computer Science 289*30
Rutgers-The State Univ.
Hill Center, Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
CJS-0011 P.O. # R. Wolfson $72.00 yes
3-11-77 5632 Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc. 289*10
50 Moulton St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
CJS-0012 P.O. # Univ. of Rochester Bookstore $206.00 yes
3-11-77 45067 River Campus Station 289*30
Rochester, NY 14627
CJS-0013 none Tymshare Library $18.40 yes
3-11-77 20705 Valley Green Dr. 289*2
Cupertino, CA 95014
CJS-0014 P.O. # Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $139.00 yes
3-11-77 524794Y Central Receiving Station 164-174 289*20
1609 South Oak St.
Champaign, IL 61820
CJS-0015 41-31D- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture $64.40 yes
3-11-77 7-01865 National Finance Center 289*6
P.O. Box 60075 290*6
New Orleans, LA 70160
CJS-0016 none IBM Research Library $18.95 yes
3-11-77 Thomas D. Middleton
Dept. K-25, Bldg. 28
5600 Cottle Rd.
San Jose, CA 95153
CJS-0017 P.O. # BN- Blackwell North America, Inc. $6.70 yes
3-16-77 0831300 1001 Fries Mill Rd.
Blackwood, NJ 08012
CJS-0018 P.O. # Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $6.70 yes
3-16-77 522546Y Central Receiving Station 133-17
1609 South Oak St.
Champaign, IL 61820
CJS-0019 P.O. # E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. $6.70 yes
3-16-77 LOX-50018 Attn: Lavoisier Lbrary
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19898
CJS-0020 LIB/76/ Mrs. I. Fegan $6.70 yes
3-16-77 1047 Publications
Science & Technology Dept.
British Embassy
3100 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008
CJS-0021 ADE/6558/ S.K. Taneja $6.70 yes
3-16-77 Lib Aeronautical Develop. Establish.
Defence Research & Develop. Organi.
Ministry of Defence, Gov. of India
High Grounds, Bangalore-1
CJS-0022 P.O. # E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. $13.40 yes
3-22-77 LOX-51847 Attn: Lavoisier Library
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19898
CJS-0023 none Robert J. Drazovich $8.55 yes
3-24-77 Program Analyst
Systems Control, Inc.
1801 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
CJS-0024 check #984 Niki Gallegos $3.00 yes
3-29-77 (ABA# 90- 1080-G East Duane Ave.
1460) Sunnyvale, CA 94086
CJS-0025 none Steven Gabriel $5.65 yes
4-8-77 655 S. Fair Oaks #H204
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Invoices CJS-0026 thru CJS-0050
CJS-0026 P.O. # BN- Blackwell N. America, Inc. $6.70 VOID
4-8-77 0216018 1001 Fries Mill Rd.
Blackwood, NJ 08012
CJS-0027 P.O. # B.N.R., Inc. $2.85 VOID
4-8-77 1753 Attn: Leslie, Purchasing
3174 Porter Dr.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
CJS-0028 none Prof. Manfred Nachman $1.20 yes
4-8-77 Dept. de Genie Electrique
Ecole Polytechnique
Case Postale 6079 -
Succursale "A"
Montreal, Canada H3C 3A7
CJS-0029 P.O. # Beverly Books, Inc. N/C N/A
4-8-77 089934 36 E. Price St.
Linden, NJ 07036
CJS-0030 none I.R.C.A.M. $154.74 yes
4-11-77 31, rue St. Merri 289*5
75004 Paris 290*20
France FAIL*5
Attn: Brian Harvey
CJS-0031 none Winfried Smith $48.00 yes
4-14-77 Lockheed 290*15
Sunnyvale, Calif.
CJS-0032 none John Cousins $15.75 yes
4-20-77 Tektronix, Inc.
Beaverton, OR 97077
CJS-0033 none Keith Lofstrom $13.80 yes
4-20-77 2435 S.W. Ecole #75
Beaverton, OR 97005
CJS-0034 P.O. # Yankee Book Peddler, Inc. $6.70 yes
4-22-77 43550 Fountain Square
Contoocook, NH 03229
CJS-0035 P.O. # Information Service $9.90 yes
4-22-77 44834 Federal Judicial Center
1520 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
CJS-0036 P.O. # Emily Streich $6.15 yes
4-29-77 E-1352 Special Orders
Syracuse Univ. Bookstores
303 University Place
Syracuse, NY 13210
CJS-0037 P.O. # Univ. of S. Calif. $45.10 yes
4-29-77 34874 Central Receiving 289*5
3600 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
CJS-0038 150/1977 Lic. Enrique Molina $2.55 yes
4-29-77 151/1977 Chief Librarian
152/1977 IIMAS - Biblioteca
Apartado Postal 20-726
Mexico 20, D.F.
CJS-0039 LIB/77/146 Mrs. I. Fegan $2.95 yes
4-29-77 Publications
Science & Technology Dept.
British Embassy
3100 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
CJS-0040 none Lucille Steelman $28.10 yes
4-29-77 Order Librarian 290*8
Library, G037
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, CA 94025
CJS-0041 P.O. # Univ. of Louisville $6.70 yes
4-29-77 47-8615 Computer Center
Belknap Campus
Computer & Systems Bldg.
Louisville, KY 40208
CJS-0042 P.O. # Tektronix, Inc. $6.70 yes
5-13-77 33-042820 Dept. P
Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
CJS-0043 P.O. # Tymshare, Inc. $141.80 yes
5-13-77 70792 20705 Valley Green Dr. 289*24
Attn: G. Morganthaler
Cupertino, CA 95014
CJS-0044 none Carnegie-Mellon Univ. $24.70 yes
5-26-77 Dept. of Computer Science FAIL*6
Schenley Park
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Attn: Dr. Lee Erman
CJS-0045 P.O. # Mullard Research Lab $6.70 yes
5-13-77 L-15768 Attn: Mrs. M.T. Paterson
Salfords, Redhill
RH1 5HA, Surrey
CJS-0046 P.O. # The Book Home $2.45 yes
5-13-77 77-144 119 E. Dale
Colorado Springs, CO 80902
CJS-0047 P.O. # National Institutes of Health $599.00 yes
6-7-77 PD404051-7 Audit Section 289*100
FMB, Bldg. 31, Rm. B1B-30
Bethesda, MD 20014
CJS-0048 P.O. # Federal Judicial Center $474.54 yes
6-23-77 14620 NEL Room 206 289*50
1100 - 17th St., N.W. 290*75
Washington, DC 20036
Attn: Charles Payne
CJS-0049 P.O. # University of California $12.45 yes
6-6-77 D-0V1915 Dept. of Electrical Engr.
c/o Campus Receiving Dept.
Calif. Ave. & County Rd. 79
Davis, CA 95616
CJS-0050 P.O. # Brigham Young University $2.25 yes
6-6-77 Y-48831 Financial Services
Accounts Payable
D-148 ASB
Provo, UT 84602
Invoices CJS-0051 thru CJS-0075
CJS-0051 P.O. # Purchasing Department (ND-10) $19.80 yes
6-6-77 313383 University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
CJS-0052 P.O. # Coutts Library Services, Inc. $1.95 yes
6-6-77 033177429 736-738 Cayuga Street
Lewiston, NY 14092
CJS-0053 none Keydata Corp. $26.80 yes
6-6-77 1400 Wilson Blvd. 289*4
Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22209
Attn: Wendy Malgieri
CJS-0054 P.O. # E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. $6.70 yes
6-13-77 LOX-51977 LOX-51977
Attn: Lavoisier Library
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19898
CJS-0055 P.O. # University of Lethbridge $9.90 yes
6-13-77 39679 4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
T1K 3M4
CJS-0056 P.O. # University of New Hampshire $20.10 yes
6-13-77 022589 c/o Susan Sliwoski 289*3
Computer Services
Kingsbury Hall
Durham, NH 03824
CJS-0057 P.O. # Ballen Booksellers International, Inc N/C N/A
6-13-77 45505 66 Austin Blvd.
Commack, Long Island
New York 11725
CJS-0058 Ref. No. Rand Corporation $2.95 yes
6-13-77 9316-77B 1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Attn: Charles W. Behm, Buyer
CJS-0059 P.O. # University of Melbourne $15.80 yes
6-13-77 555025 School of Mathematical Sciences Library
Parkville, Victoria, 3052
CJS-0060 P.O. # Yurinsha Ltd. N/C N/A
6-13-77 Z-5434 Hongo P.O. Box 63
Tokyo, 113-91
CJS-0061 P.O. # Schlumberger Well Services $9.90 yes
6-17-77 13283 P.O. Box 2175
Houston, TX 77001
Attn: R.H. Reardon
CJS-0062 P97059 Acquisitions Department $9.10 yes
6-17-77 P97060 Purdue University Libraries
P97063 West Lafayette, IN 47907
CJS-0063 P.O. # IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr. N/C N/A
6-17-77 P-77071 P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
CJS-0064 Ref. No. Vereinigte Universitats und N/C N/A
6-17-77 A-8585-b Fachbuchhandlung
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1/P.O.B. 2702209
5 KOLN 1, Germany
CJS-0065 P.O. # University of Tennessee $2.95 yes
6-17-77 82802 Computer Science Dept.
8 Ayres Hall
Knoxville, TN 37916
Attn: Dr. Charles Hughes
CJS-0066 P.O. # Stanford Bookstore $135.00 see
6-17-77 71572 Textbook Department 289*25 CJS-0122
CJS-0067 P.O. # Syracuse University Bookstores $21.80 yes
6-20-77 E-14273 303 University Place
Syracuse, NY 13210
Attn: Emily Streich
CJS-0068 P.O. # Information Sciences Institute $44.70 yes
6-20-77 1124 4676 Admiralty Way 289*5
Attn: Library 290*3
Marina del Rey, CA 90291
CJS-0069 P.O. # Purchasing Department (ND-10) $2.85 yes
6-20-77 246078 University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
CJS-0070 P.O. # University of Mississippi $21.65 yes
6-20-77 P-86567 Receiving Department
University, Miss.
CJS-0071 P.O. # Jet Propulsion Laboratory $47.60 yes
6-20-77 PCV-15921 Attn: Dave C. Conklin, 289*8
Procurement Liaison
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91214
CJS-0072 P.O. # Contracting Officer $31.55 yes
6-20-77 77-5984 Naval Coastal Systems Lab 289*3
Panama City, FL 32407 290*3
Attn: Bruce F. Parker
CJS-0073 P.O. # Tymshare, Inc. $54.15 yes
7-8-77 73004 20705 Valley Green Drive. 290*24
Cupertino, CA 95014
Attn: A. Ginzburg
CJS-0074 P.O. # Computer Networking $3.20 yes
7-8-77 313631 T258 Health Science Bldg.
University of Washington RG-20
Seattle, WA 98195
CJS-0075 Order Vereinigte Universitats und N/C N/A
7-8-77 A9282 c Fachbuchhandlund
5 KOLN 1
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1
P.O.B. 270209
Invoices CJS-0076 thru CJS-0100
CJS-0076 none Bill Lyden $40.20 yes
7-8-77 Alpha Phi Omega 289*6
125 Margaret Morrison St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
CJS-0077 P.O. # The Brookings Institution N/C N/A
7-15-77 15300 Attn: Mimi Schade
1775 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
CJS-0078 Ref.No. Information Sciences Institute N/C N/A
7-15-77 SC-627 Attn: Steve Crocker
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90291
CJS-0079 P.O. # B.N.R., Inc. $2.85 yes
7-22-77 1753 Attn: Leslie, Purchasing
3174 Porter Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94304
CJS-0080 Ref. No. The Rand Corporation N/C N/A
7-29-77 9597-77B Attn: Ernestine O'Lear
1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90406
CJS-0081 P.O. # Beverly Books, Inc. N/C N/A
7-29-77 098828 36 East Price Street
Linden, NY 07036
CJS-0082 P.O. # Tektronix, Inc. $2.85 yes
8-5-77 33-062211 Attn: Sharon L. Webb
Department P
Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
CJS-0083 P.O. # University of Illinois at Urbana $96.56 yes
(9-9-77) 548107-Y Champaign 290*40
Purchasing Division
223 Administration Bldg.
Urbana, IL 61801
CJS-0084 Ref. B. W. Campbell, Supervisor N/C N/A
8-15-77 CTDC/77/899 Company Technical Document Center
Hughes Aircraft Company
Culver City, Calif.
CJS-0085 Ref. B. W. Campbell, supervisor N/C N/A
8-15-77 CTDC/77/900 Company Technical Document Center
Hughes Aircraft Company
Culver City, Calif.
CJS-0086 P.O. # Key Book Service, Inc. $7.91 yes
8-15-77 B-INT- 425 Asylum Street
84-2720 Bridgeport, CT 06610
CJS-0087 none Jet Propulsion Lab $8.10 yes
8-26-77 ATTN: Dr. Antal Bejezy
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91103
CJS-0088 P.O. # Dr. Colin Whitby-Strevens $2.55 yes
8-26-77 CS 98/77 Dept. of Computer Science
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL,
CJS-0089 none Ted Mackowitz $90.90 yes
9-2-77 819 Watson 289*15
Columbia University
New York City, NY 10025
CJS-0090 P.O. # Baylor College of Medicine $31.80 yes
9-2-77 86325 c/o Fondren Brown 289*3
6535 Fannin 290*3
Houstin, TX 77030
CJS-0091 none Ted Mackowitz $61.96 yes
9-22-77 819 Watson 290*25
Columbia University
New York City, NY 10025
CJS-0092 NAS7-100 Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CALTECH $16.25 yes
9-22-77 #1441 Attn: Library Tech. Operations #1441
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91103
CJS-0093 NAS7-100 Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CALTECH N/C N/A
9-22-77 #1442 Attn: Library Tech. Operations #1442
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91103
CJS-0094 P.O. # Director of Purchases and Stores $3.20 yes
10-6-77 G82987 Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY 40475
CJS-0095 P.O. # Grayson Book Service, Inc. $2.40 (2)
10-6-77 9968231 390 Cliff Street
Fairview, NJ 07022
CJS-0096 P.O. # Glendale Federal Savings N/C N/A
10-6-77 45160 Accounts Payable
401 North Brand Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91209
CJS-0097 P.O. # Information Sciences Institute $36.00 yes
10-6-77 1154 4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90291
CJS-0098 none Gail T. Mapes $9.90 yes
10-6-77 Office Manager
Caine, Farber & Gordon, Inc.
750 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
CJS-0099 P.O. # Eikonix Corporation $11.80 yes
10-10-77 1293/ 103 Terrace Hall Avenue
2405801 Burlington, MA 01803
CJS-0100 P.O. # 3M Company $7.40 yes
10-28-77 TL-17310 Library Account
P.O. Box 33120
St. Paul, MN 55133
Invoices CJS-0101 thru CJS-0125
CJS-0101 P.O. # Tektronix, Inc. $2.40 yes
10-28-77 33-091920 Department P
Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
CJS-0102 P.O. # Carnegie-Mellon University $606.92 yes
12-29-77 PO-73877 P.O. Box 100 289*100
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
CJS-0103 P.O. # Weber State College $88.41
12-29-77 B-53059 Bookstore 289*15
Ogden, UT 84408
CJS-0104 Req. # The MITRE Corporation $16.80 yes
10-28-77 D22-1506 Attn: Technical Report Center
Bedford, MA 01730
CJS-0105 P.O. # The University of North Carolina $3.30 yes
10-28-77 P-67506 at Chapel Hill
Purchasing Department
440 West Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
CJS-0106 P.O. # Syracuse University Bookstores $2.40 yes
10-28-77 E-15518 303 University Place
Syracuse, NY 13210
CJS-0107 Ref. # Ecole des Mines $7.40 (1)
10-28-77 TP/INF- Service de regroupement des commandes
47/77 Parc de Saurupt
CJS-0108 P.O. # University of Washington Library N/C N/A
10-28-77 142673 Acquisitions Division
Book Orders
Seattle, WA 98105
CJS-0109 P.O. # IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center N/C N/A
10-28-77 KS-57083 Accounts Payable Department
P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
CJS-0110 P.O. # National Radio Astronomy Observatory $54.50 yes
10-28-77 S-05210 Purchasing Department 289*5
P.O. Box O 290*5
Socorro, NM 87801
CJS-0111 Ref. # The Rand Corporation $2.40 yes
10-28-77 9839-77B Purchasing Department
1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90406
CJS-0112 P.O. # The University of Rochester $304.24 yes
12-29-77 A-59706 Purchasing Department 289*50
Rochester, NY 14642
CJS-0113 P.O. # Centec Consultants, Inc. N/C N/A
10-28-77 1098 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 22091
CJS-0114 P.O. # Whitney Library 3A55 K-1 N/C N/A
10-28-77 002-13921 G.E. Research & Develepment Ctr.
-W77 P.O. Box 8
Scenectady, NY 12301
CJS-0115 P.O. # RCA Corporation $14.20 yes
10-28-77 S-409006 David Sarnoff Research Center
Attn: Accounts Payable
Princeton, NJ 08540
CJS-0116 P.O. # The University of Texas $24.80 yes
11-10-77 8-30574/ Health Science Center at Dallas 289*2
129645 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. 290*2
Dallas, TX 75235
CJS-0117 P.O. # Columbia Univ. in the City of New York $23.50 yes
11-14-77 59100- 612 W. 115th Street FAIL*5
796826 New York City, NY 10027
CJS-0118 none Lauren Weinstein $7.20 VOID
11-14-77 12320 Texas Avenue #12
Los Angeles, CA 90025
CJS-0119 P.O. # Philips Research Laboratories $2.40 yes
12-15-77 L-16064 Accounts Department
Cross Oak Lane, Salfords
Redhill, Surrey RH1 5HA, ENGLAND
CJS-0120 P.O. # Tektronix, Inc. $59.21 yes
12-29-77 34-111801 Department P 289*10
Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
CJS-0121 P.O. # The Brookings Institution $36.19 yes
12-29-77 15300 Attn: Mimi Schade 289*5
1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036
CJS-0122 N/A Stanford University Bookstore $2,190.00 yes
1-3-78 Stanford, Ca. 289*510
CJS-0123 none Professor Edward Ashcroft $105.84 yes
1-11-78 Computer Science Dept. 298*20
Waterloo University
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
CJS-0124 P.O. # Kenra Bloyer $2.85 yes
1-11-78 600-069 Purchasing Agent
National Bureau of Standards
Bldg. 301, Room B128
Washington, D.C. 20234
CJS-0125 Ref. # L. Tachoumakoff N/C N/A
1-11-78 NCL/239 La Nacelle
2, rue Campagne Premiere
75014 Paris, France
Invoices CJS-0126 thru CJS-0150
CJS-0126 Ref. # L. Tachoumakoff $2.55 yes
1-11-78 NCL/238 La Nacelle
2, rue Campagne Premiere
75014 Paris, France
CJS-0127 P.O. # Ballen Booksellers International, Inc. N/C N/A
1-11-78 72887 66 Austin Boulevard
Commack, L.I., N.Y. 11725
CJS-0128 P.O. # University of Texas at Austin $24.80
1-11-78 LM #95381 Computation Center Reference Room 289*2
18-00Z COM1/Smith 290*2
2300-0050 Austin, Texas 78712
CJS-0129 P.O. # The Weizmann Institute of Science $4.55
1-11-78 80149/78 Aquisitions Section
Rehovot, Israel
CJS-0130 Ref. # Information Sciences Institute $4.55
1-11-78 1190 University of Southern California
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90291
CJS-0131 none Tymshare $17.50 yes
1-26-78 Attn: Madelaine Guggisberg air ship
20705 Valley Green Drive charges
Cupertino, CA 95014
CJS-0132 P.O. # Tymshare, Inc. $139.30 yes
2-2-78 80159 Attn: A. Ginzberg 289*24
20705 Valley Green Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
CJS-0133 P.O. # International Service Company N/C N/A
2-2-78 ABC/B/ International Service Building
10088/15 333 Fourth Avenue
Indialantic, Florida 32903
CJS-0134 none Phyllis Siegel $3.18 yes
2-2-78 ICS Department (LISP)
Room 444, Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, Calif. 92717
CJS-0135 P.O. # University of Maryland $8.55
2-17-78 G-230618 Accounts Payable
& 6-22-78 College Park, Maryland 20742
CJS-0136 ACQ. # Texas Instruments, Inc. $9.30 yes
3-2-78 63549 Library Acquisitions Center
P.O. Box 5474
Dallas, TX 75222
CJS-0137 Akademid der Wissenschaften der DDR N/C N/A
3-2-78 Wissenschaftlices Informationszentrum
- Literaturbeschaffung
104 Berlin, den Schiffbauerdamm
CJS-0138 P.O. # Yankee Book Peddler, Inc. N/C N/A
3-2-78 57383 Fountain Square
Contoocook, N.H. 03229
CJS-0139 75/78 Biblioteca del Centro de Investigacion N/C N/A
3-2-78 80/78 en Matematicas Aplicadas y en Sistemas
81/78 IIMAS Biblioteca
Apartado Postal 20-726
Mexico 20, D.F. MEXICO
CJS-0140 P.O. # University of Utah $203.00 yes
3/16/78 81966 Accounts Payable 289*25
Salt Lake City, UT 84112 290*25
CJS-0141 none Louise Rehling, Asst. Dir. $37.45 yes
3/16/78 The University of Chicago 289*6
Computation Center
5737 University Avenue
Chicago, Ill. 60637
CJS-0142 P.O. # The University of Texas $42.15 yes
3/16/78 8-31359/ Health Science Center at Dallas 289*4
170735 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. 290*4
31359 Dallas, TX 75235
CJS-0143 P.O. # The Boeing Company N/C N/A
3/9/78 RTL-78- Renton Technical Library
00819 P.O. Box 3707 M/S 74-60
Seattle, Washington 98124
CJS-0144 P.O. # Scientific & Technical Book Centre N/C N/A
3/9/78 1685 Ch. de Charleroi 136
1060 Bruxelles
CJS-0145 P.O. # The Albany Medical College $9.90 yes
3/9/78 R-4805 ATTN: Accounting Office 289*1
47 New Scotland Avenue 290*1
Albany, New York 12208
CJS-0146 P.O. # National Radio Astronomy Observatory $23.50
3/16/78 S-06408 Fiscal Division 290*10
P.O. Box O
Socorro, New Mexico 87801
CJS-0147 P.O. # National Institutes of Health $582.00
3/16/78 PD404034-8 Audit Section 290*250
FMB, Bldg. 31, Rm. B1B-30
Bethesda, Maryland 20014
CJS-0148 letter La Trobe University $86.50 VOID
3/30/78 ATTN: Dr. H.A. Cohen, Sr. Lecturer LISP*10 (see CJS-0163)
Dept. of Math/Computer Science air parcel post
Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3083
CJS-0149 letter Jill Lindau Library Technician N/C N/A
3/30/78 Div. of Comp. Research & Tech. Lib. FONT
Bldg. 12A, Room 3018
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20014
CJS-0150 Voucher Professor Victor Marma $9.25
4/13/78 22138 Dept. of Mathematics
Dickinson College
Carlisle, Penn. 17013
Invoices CJS-0151 thru CJS-0175
0151-0169 LOST
CJJS-0170 PD404062-8 NATL INST OF HEALTH $600.00
BLDG 12A RM 1015
CJS-0151 P.O. # Central Washington University $31.80 yes
4/13/78 F481432 Accounts Payable 289*4
Ellensburg, WA 98926
CJS-0152 P.O. # The University of Michigan $17.45 yes
4/13/78 R241207 North Campus Purchasing
Research Adm. Bldg.
Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109
CJS-0152A P.O. # The University of Michigan N/C N/A
5/18/78 R241207 North Campus Purchasing, Research Adm. Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109
CJS-0153 note University of Warwick $10.10
4/13/78 Dept. of Computer Science
Attn: Josie Lloyd
Coventry CV4 7AL, ENGLAND
CJS-0154 P.O. # Columbia University $103.55
4/20/78 59100- in the City of New York 289*17
806248 New York, NY 10027
CJS-0155 ULD 181345 John Smith & Son (Glasgow) Ltd N/C N/A
4/27/78 89 Otago Street
Glasgow G12 8NZ, Scotland
CJS-0156 REQ. # Ann Murphy N/C N/A
5/18/78 985 Program Library
Computer Science Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
CJS-0157 P.O. # Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. $121.00
6/1/78 ZAP01806 Technical Information Center 289*15
3251 Hanover Street 290*15
Palo Alto, Calif. 94304
CJS-0158 P.O. # Brigham Young University $2.40 yes
6/1/78 A-47142 HBLL Acquisitions Dept.
Provo, Utah 84602
CJS-0159 P.O. # Technique & Documentation N/C N/A
6/1/78 D-54420 c/o Euramerican Library Service, Inc.
175-11, 148th Avenue
Jamaica, N.Y. 11430
CJS-0160 none Martin Cole $9.65
6/1/78 Massachusetts Institute of Technology UUO
MACSYMA Consortium
Cambridge, Mass.
CJS-0161 letter Annegret Apitz $4.85 yes
6/1/78 Research Assistant
Society for Infor. & Documt.
1990 M Street, N.W. - Suite 22
Washington, D.C. 20036
CJS-0162 P.O. # Acquisitions Department N/C N/A
6/15/78 073'77 University of North Carolina
0 3 3 Wilson Library 024-a
Chapel Hill, NC 17514
CJS-0163 CJS-0148 La Trobe University $48.50
6/15/78 Dept. of Math/Comp. Sci. LISP*10
Attn: Dr. H. A. Cohen
Bundoora, Victoria
Australia 3083
CJS-0164 P.O.# Ballen Booksellers Int,Inc n/c N/A
8/17/78 100605 66 Austin Blvd.
Commack, L.I. NEW YORK 11725
CJS-0165 P.O.# A. Friedman N/C N/A
8/17/78 X30/1893 Nat'l Cntr Scientific & Tech Info.
84, Hachashmonaim St.
Tel Aviv 61200, Israel
CJS-166 Ref # Lic. Enrique Molina n/c N/A
8/17/78 445/78, Biblioteca Del Iimas
444/78 Apartado Postal 20-726
443/78 Universidad Nacional de Mexico
Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico
CJS-167 P.O. # Weber State College Bookstore $20.10
8/17/78 B55629 Dept. 2103
Ogden, Utah 84408
CJS-168 P.O.# U.S. Dept. of Commerce $2.00
8/17/78 807173 National Bureau of Standards
Washington, D.C. 20234
CJS-0169 P.O.# W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. N/C N/A
8/17/78 84H017-10 20 Trinity Street
Cambridge, England
CJS-0170 PD404062-8 NATL INST HEALTH $600.00
BLDG 12A RM1015